Extreme Weather: A Global Crisis Affecting Millions
Devastation Across Continents In the past month, extreme weather events have wreaked havoc on millions of lives across the globe. From the bustling cities of China and India to the picturesque landscapes of Greece and Italy, and from the arid deserts of Saudi Arabia to the vibrant shores of Jamaica and the United States, no … Continue reading Extreme Weather: A Global Crisis Affecting Millions
Coelacanths – 420 Million years old Ghostfish found alive
Coelacanths, A fossil fish that predates dinosaurs and was thought to have gone extinct has been found alive in the West Indian Ocean off the coast of Madagascar. It was accidentally rediscovered by a group of South African shark hunters. Demand for shark fins and oil has led fishers in southwestern Madagascar to set gill-nets in deeper waters. They are finding and possibly harming previously-unknown populations of these West Indian Ocean Coelacanths.
Sea Cucumbers – The Illigal trade of ‘Aphrodisiac’ of the ocean
Sea cucumbers are echinoderms—like starfish and sea urchins. There are some 1,250 known species, and many of these animals are indeed shaped like soft-bodied cucumbers. All sea cucumbers are ocean dwellers, though some inhabit the shallows and others live in the deep ocean. They live on or near the ocean floor—sometimes partially buried beneath it.
Haunted by the "Ghost Net"
There’s nothing quite like the beach, standing on the shore with the sun on your shoulders, burying your feet in the hot sand, letting the cool water wash over your legs as you stare at the open blue horizon. We are connected to the coast and ocean…
Importance of Waste Management
After all the recent buzz on climate change, I really hope people have become more aware of what’s happening across our planet. Every day there are hundreds of activists who protest for a cause. Cause to save the planet, they see a ray of hope to mend things destroyed by the humans. While many of us are actively protesting some of us still have this question of how we can contribute towards the same.
kākāpō – a strange Night Parrot
New Zealand’s islands are home to a plethora of weird and wonderful animals, but perhaps none are as weird and wonderful as the kākāpō. The giant flightless parrot exists on only a handful of offshore islands in New Zealand where it is safe from…
The Pangolin – world’s most trafficked mammal
If you’ve never heard of a pangolin before, you’re not alone! People say pangolins look like pinecones, or anteaters, but they’re actually mammals that live in Africa and Asia. Pangolins have large, protective keratin scales covering their skin…
Food Wastage- Think Before You Waste
Today I’m going to talk about one of the biggest yet ignored problems of the world. The Food Wastage. Do we ever rethink once before throwing away that last bite of food just because we feel we’re already full? Or when we leave food…
Amazon Rainforest on fire
The Amazon River Valley is home to the largest tropical rainforest on Earth. This is roughly the size of forty-eight adjacent United States and it covers almost 40 percent of the South American continent. The Amazon rainforest covers parts of eight…
Water Conservation: How to Save Water in Our Daily Lives
Water is not a mere molecule with two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen, it is so much more. The planet earth survives completely on water. Our planet is covered 70% with water, but it doesn’t mean the abundance of fresh water on the earth…