A review of climate change in 2024.
"The climate crisis is both the easiest and the hardest issue we have ever faced. The easiest because we know what we must do. We must stop burning fossil fuels and leave them in the ground. The hardest because our current civilization is addicted to fossil fuels." - David Attenborough Climate change EXTreme Weather A Global Crisis Affecting Millions Devastation Across Continents In the past month, extreme weather events have wreaked havoc on millions of lives across the globe. From…
After all the recent buzz on climate change, I really hope people have become more aware of what’s happening across our planet. Every day there are hundreds of activists who protest for a cause. Cause to save the planet, they see a ray of hope to mend things destroyed by the humans. While many of us are actively protesting some of us still have this question of how we can contribute towards the same.
Today I’m going to talk about one of the biggest yet ignored problems of the world. The Food Wastage. Do we ever rethink once before throwing away that last bite of food just because we feel we’re already full? Or when we leave food...
Water is not a mere molecule with two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen, it is so much more. The planet earth survives completely on water. Our planet is covered 70% with water, but it doesn’t mean the abundance of fresh water on the earth...
Chennai is facing its worst water crisis in decades. People are standing in long queues waiting for water tankers to get their share of water for daily use. While Chennai is the first metro city to be facing this crisis, a report by NITI Aayog...
Wilderness. Primary rainforest. Biodiversity hotspot. Carbon sink. National park. Oil concession. These are all phrases used by journalists, scientists, activists, oil companies and governments to describe the ancestral territory of the Kofan, Secoya, Siona and Waorani peoples of Ecuador’s northern Amazon...